Catering (food service)
Müesli deserves a permanent place on your breakfast table – even on holiday. We offer comprehensive solutions for the catering and wholesale trades.
For the catering industry – delicious Swiss Müesli to suit every taste
A wide range on offer for the catering trade
We can supply everything the catering industry needs in terms of Müesli and breakfast cereals. Whether it’s classic organic Birchermüesli or a range of crunchy Müesli mixes – we deliver peerless Swiss quality that’s sure to impress.
The right packaging for your needs
With a choice of packaging sizes, you have the flexibility your business requires. Whether you need large quantities for a buffet or smaller units for individual consumption, we have the perfect solution for you.
A strong partnership for the catering industry
We have a long-standing partnership with Hug AG Link opens in a new tab.. Hug AG is responsible for sales and key account management for bio-familia AG's popular Müesli products in the catering trade, ensuring successful marketing and satisfied customers.
Discover familia’s food service range (in German/French) Link opens in a new tab.
Your personal contact
Hug Familie
Mr Urs Bussmann
Head of Sales Food Service Switzerland
+41 41 499 76 29