familia Mindful Flakes n'Clusters Single bag à 425 g
The Mindful Crunchy Müesli is packed with superfoods. In addition to whole grains, this includes a wide variety of different nuts and seeds such as cashews, almonds, chia seeds, linseed, amaranth, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. These crunchy nutrient bombs provide valuable omega 3 fatty acids and iron, both of which are beneficial to our mental fitness. Just one 50g serving provides you with enough iron to promote normal cognitive function.
If you are going through a demanding time (e.g. studying or prepping for final exams) and you want to have optimal concentration, you should try to include as many brain foods as possible in your diet. In addition to vegetables, these include nuts and seeds, as well as fatty fish and pulses. Evidence suggests that these foods provide you with essential nutrients that your brain needs to function at its best. A cup of coffee or tea or a piece of dark chocolate can also have a positive effect on your cognitive abilities in the short term.
If you want to be in good mental shape in the long term, we can give you the following five tips:
Getting enough iron is essential for maintaining optimal oxygen supply, which in turn is essential for unrestricted cognitive performance. Just one 50 g portion of Mindful will give you around 30% of your daily iron requirements. However, since the iron in cereals cannot be fully absorbed by the body, it is best to include other iron-rich foods such as meat and pulses in your diet.
Make sure you eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Try to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day, in a wide range of different colours. These plant foods contain a large number of plant secondary compounds, which can help to protect our body from oxidative stress. A number of these bioactive plant compounds, such as polyphenols, are currently being investigated in clinical trials as a possible therapy for Alzheimer's disease.
Make sure you are getting enough omega 3 fatty acids. The body cannot make enough of the two essential omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA by itself from alpha-linolenic acid (found, for example, in flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts). We need to get the rest through our diet. One valuable source is fatty fish. Vegans should take a food supplement.
Move for at least 30 minutes every day. This strengthens your immune system and helps your body protect itself against oxidative stress in the long term.
And last but not least: take pleasure in the little things in life. According to scientific findings from Alzheimer's research, a positive attitude is the best way to keep your brain strong and healthy for life.