The climate footprint of our Müesli
Food accounts for 1/3 of all greenhouse gases
You might be wondering why it’s so important to know about CO2 emissions. It’s simple. Globally, food production is responsible for a third of all greenhouse gases – more than the entire transport sector (i.e. cars, planes and ships) combined.
Things are no better in Switzerland either, where nutrition accounts for 21% of the burden on the climate. This shows that everyone can make an active contribution to climate protection by consciously choosing what food they eat.
To do this, however, we need to know which foods are climate-friendly – and which ones should be avoided.
How is a climate footprint calculated?
The carbon footprint of a foodstuff is expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), which show how much greenhouse gas, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, is released during production.
Our climate calculator records the climate footprint of a familia product, taking into account all the emissions from the production of its ingredients to the finished product. After all, a climate footprint is only meaningful when it encompasses the entire supply chain. Our calculations follow the internationally recognised standard for environmental assessments according to ISO 14040/44.
What is the climate footprint of Müesli?
You can find the climate footprint of familia Müesli in the online shop. Go to the product specifications for each Müesli and then look under ‘Ingredients’.
Here’s an example:
Each kilogram of familia Original Bio Birchermüesli produces 2.66 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent in emissions.