Das steckt in unseren Müesli
Acacia fibre
Acacia fibre derives from the root of acacia trees from Africa and is gained from natural raw materials. On our Continent we only grow acacias as houseplants.
We use acacia fibre instead of sugar so we get beautiful clusters in our crunchy muesli. With their high fibre content they also offer an attractive nutritional profile.
Agave Syrup
The agave syrup we use is produced in Mexico. The juice has a high sweetness and is therefore often used as an alternative to refined sugar.
Almond protein powder
The almond protein powder is produced in the USA from Californian almonds. Our supplier relies on a cooperation of various almond farmers using a unique production process to obtain the best possible end result.
We source almonds from California, where they provide the best quality worldwide. The refinement of the almonds is done in Sachseln: each almond is hand-selected and carefully roasted. The roasting process enhances the mild, sweet, nutty aroma. Almonds are full of healthy nutrients and minerals. They contain mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, high-quality proteins and fibre.
Apple pieces
The apple pieces used for this Müesli are dried with the skin to preserve the valuable vitamins and minerals which are directly under the skin.
The apple pieces for our Müesli come, whenever possible, from Europe.
Banana Flakes
The banana flakes are produced by a company specialized in fruit processing. The banana puree used is organically cultivated in Central America.
Banana granules, fine
Our German supplier crafts the banana granules by mixing banana purée made from Guatemalan bananas with rice flour and rolling this mixture into fine flakes. 444 g of banana purée is used to make 100 g of granules. The granules give your Müesli a wonderfully fruity, caramel-like sweetness.
Berry granules
We use berry granules to add a wonderfully fruity touch to the entire crunch. Depending on the harvest season, the blueberries come from different world regions such as Canada or Eastern Europe.
The freeze-dried blackberries for our Müesli come from Serbia, as most Swiss blackberries are grown for fresh consumption. During the freeze-drying process, the water in the fruits evaporates. When freeze-drying approx. 800 grams of fresh fruit, they result in a weight of 100 g blackberries.
The dried blueberries provide a fruity-sweet flavour to the Müesli. Our blueberries are processed in Poland, where apple juice is added to maintain their softness and consistency.
Calcium is one of the most well-known minerals and simultaneously the most abundant mineral in the body. Calcium contributes to normal muscle function.
Cashew nuts
Cashews originate in Brazil, but now grow in most tropical areas. Our cashews come from India, Indonesia and Vietnam. The supply chain of our cashews is subject to Sedex standards. Sedex is one of the world's leading organisations ensuring ethical standards in global trade. They are sources of magnesium and phosphorus. These minerals support teeth and bones.
Cereal Crispies
The airy crispies are extruded in-house from rice, corn, and wheat flour, and seasoned with a little cocoa powder. The crispies provide an extra crunchy bite.
Cocoa powder
We use low-fat cocoa powder and cocoa beans from West Africa (Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana and Ivory Coast).
Coconut flakes
The coconut flakes used in our Müesli are from the Philippines or India. The natural flavour and taste are preserved by drying the coconut flesh and grinding it into delicious, delicate shaved coconut – without using sweeteners or additives. Our coconut flakes are, of course, subject to stringent requirements in relation to quality and social standards.
Corn flakes
We source most of our corn flakes from a Swiss supplier. The corn for our corn flakes comes from Italy. The Corn Flakes stand out due to the fact that, despite their crunchy consistency, they are free of refined sugar. They contain only a very small amount (<3 %) of barley malt for colour and flavour.
Crystal sugar
The crystal sugar used in our Müesli is made from the juice of Swiss beet.
Thanks to the sugar, our baked Müesli become crispy (oder crunchy?) and are formed into beautiful clusters. It gives the Müesli also its pleasant sweetness. Since we do not use artificial sweeteners for our familia products, we apply sugar consciously. How much sugar we use for each Müesli is always a compromise between enjoyment and health.
In our online-shop you will find an overview of the products with little or no added sugar.
We largely source our currants from Poland, a country whose climate conditions allow regular high-quality harvests. Red currants are grown in shrubs. Harvesting them is a highly intricate process that must be carried out by hand. For this reason, they are available in limited amounts.
Dark chocolate
For our dark chocolate, half of it is made from Swiss sugar, and the other half from Rainforest Alliance certified cocoa from West Africa. This is used to create the finest Swiss chocolate in a chocolate factory in Solothurn.
Date juice concentrate
Date juice concentrate is made from sun-ripened dates from Tunisia. The date palms thrive best in this dry hot climate. It provides a fruity sweetness in our müesli, allowing us to reduce refined sugar. In addition, dates are full of important vitamins and minerals.
Dextrose is another word for glucose. We use dextrose in our Crunchy Müesli to balance the intense sweetness of the sugar, as glucose is much milder and quickly recognised by taste buds. The dextrose we use is derived from corn.
Einkorn wheat
Einkorn, along with barley and emmer, is one of the oldest grains and derives from wild wheat. In comparison with wheat, it has a higher content of minerals, trace elements, and amino acids. Einkorn has even more high-quality proteins, minerals, and trace elements than wheat.
For the production of flakes, cereal grains are briefly steamed and then rolled into flakes. We source the raw material from Germany and Austria.
Extruded Cinnamon Pillows Organic
We produce our organic cinnamon pillows in-house: By using pressure and heat, the blended Swiss cereal mixture and sugar are shaped into pillows. Then the little pillows are baked for about 10 minutes, which gives them a slight toasted flavour. Our homemade cinnamon mixture adds the spicy cinnamon flavour.
Fig Cubes
The dried fig cubes originate from Turkey. They not only add a sweet taste to your muesli but also lots of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers.
Hazelnut and chocolate filling
Our supplier makes the filling for our Choco Bits according to our very own recipe. The ground hazelnuts come from Turkey, the sugar and powdered milk hail from Switzerland, and the dark chocolate is crafted from African cocoa beans.
Our honey primarily comes from the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. The local producers, who are often small and micro apiaries, and suppliers with connections to them, are subject to strict requirements in relation to quality and social standards. We use this ingredient sparingly in our Müesli to add a delicate sweetness and a fine honey note.
Inulin is a water-soluble dietary fibers and in our case is extracted from chicory. Dietary fibers have a positive effect on intestinal activity. The use of inulin in our Müesli also has a technical advantage: it allows us to bake beautiful clusters (Müesli pieces) with slightly less sugar.
Iron is an important building block for blood and muscle pigments. It contributes to normal cognitive function, normal energy metabolism and a functioning immune system. It also supports the transport of oxygen in the blood and can help to reduce tiredness.
Knospe-certified organic aronia berries
The aronia berries come from a Swiss Knospe-certified organic farm. The climate in Switzerland is ideal for the undemanding aronia berry. The berries are sorted immediately after harvesting and gently dried at low temperatures. In addition to important vitamins and minerals, aronia berries contain important plant secondary compounds (antioxidants) with many benefits, making the aronia berry a local superfood!
Knospe-certified organic coconut chips
The coconut chips come from Sri Lanka. The coconuts, which are produced in line with Fair Trade and Bio Suisse standards, are dried and processed in the country where they are grown. They give our Müesli an exotic twist.
Knospe-certified organic oats
We source the oats used in our Müesli from Swiss Knospe-certified organic farms. We support Swiss oat farmers who are committed to the principles of regenerative agriculture and prioritise healthy soil: www.agricultura-regeneratio.ch Link opens in a new tab. (in German).
Knospe-certified organic raspberries
The organic raspberries mostly come from Serbia or Poland. Depending on the season and harvest, they may also be sourced from further afield. Fresh raspberries are freeze-dried. This method allows them to retain their distinctive fruity yet tart flavour.
Knospe-certified organic roasted almonds
Our organic Müesli is made using almonds grown in Spain in accordance with Bio-Suisse Standards. The almonds are processed here in Sachseln. We check the almonds by hand, removing any foreign material such as stones and shell fragments, and then carefully roast them. The roasting process brings out the almonds' mildly sweet, nutty flavour. Almonds are full of healthy nutrients and minerals. They contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, high-quality proteins and fibre.
Knospe-certified organic sultanas
Hardly any other Müesli ingredient is as controversial as sultanas. For some, there's no such thing as too many sultanas in their Müesli, while others could easily do without them. The organic sultanas in this Müesli come from Turkey. To prevent them from sticking together, they are sprayed with a little sunflower oil.
We source our linseeds from Belgium, a real know-how centre for its processing. Flax grows particularly well in subtropical areas. Therefore, our flax seeds usually come from Kazakhstan. Also in our country some flax fields with their small blue flowers are seen. However, the local harvests is not sufficient for our needs.
Flax seeds contain valuable omega-3 fatty acids.
Magnesium serves vital bodily functions. We use various minerals and vitamins in our functional Müesli.
By adding malt, our Müesli gets a nutty roasted flavor and a beautiful brown color.
Maple syrup
We source our maple syrup from North America. Canada and the US are renowned for their maple syrup production. The syrup is a natural, plant-based sweetener that gives our Müesli its unique flavour.
Milk powder
The milk powder contributes to the flavor and contributes to a beautifl browning of the crunch. The milk powder is sourced from Swiss milk.
Multigrain flakes
We source multigrain flakes from Germany. They are mainly made from German whole grain wheat meal and add a touch of grain to our Müesli recipes.
Oligofructose is a natural dietary fiber produced from the chicory root. Our supplier in Germany, specialized in functional fibers, processes raw ingredients from Belgium for this purpose.
Oligofructose helps the clusters remain chuncky in the baked Müesli, which otherwise would only be possible with granulated sugar. This way we can do without part of the sugar – retaining the full crunchy experience.
Organic apple pieces
We source our organic apple pieces from Switzerland and from the South Tyrol. In years when the harvest is not so good we use apples from other neighbouring countries so that we have enough apple pieces of the required quality.
In order to preserve the vitamins and the light flesh colour of the apples, our apple pieces are gently dried at low temperatures. Sweet and sour apples have a stronger, more intense taste when dried than purely sweet apples. The varieties Idared, Rewena and Jonagold are suitable for our Müesli.
Organic Chia seeds
Chia grows almost exclusively in Central America. In the Mayan language, chia stands for power and strength. Our chia seeds come from Bolivia, a place with a long tradition of chia cultivation and offers correspondingly the best quality. Our supplier supports the farmers with various social projects and further professional training.
Chia seeds are known for being a superfood because they contain a significant amount of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and protein. This makes them the perfect addition to our Superfood Müesli.
Organic fruit flakes
Our Müesli has featured fruit flakes for decades. In the past, the fruit flakes were produced in Sachseln. Nowadays, however, we entrust their production to a specialist. Various fruit purées are mixed with wholemeal flour before being rolled and heated. The result is delicious, sweet and fruity flakes with a subtle hint of caramel. The flour and apple purée used come from Knospe-certified Swiss farms.
Organic hazelnuts
We source our hazelnuts from Turkey, as Swiss hazelnuts only cover 20% of the domestic need. We use high-quality hazelnuts from the "Happy Hazelnut Project". By supporting this project, which ensures organic quality since 2014, we focus on sustainably produced hazelnuts thus making a local contribution to a sustained hazelnut cultivation. We improve both working and living conditions in Turkey's hazelnut plantations: The farmers are trained and certified, and harvest workers and their families live in well-developed accommodations while children attend school during their parents' working hours.
www.happyhazelnut.com Link opens in a new tab.
The hazelnuts are hand-selected and roasted at bio-familia in Switzerland.
Organic puffed Amaranth
Our organic amaranth comes from India and South America. Growth requires a warmer climate than in Switzerland. The amaranth is puffed in the Emmental (Switzerland). The procedure is similar to popcorn. The nutty taste and crunchiness of puffed amaranth makes a wonderful addition to our Müesli.
Organic Wheat Flakes "bud"
The organic wheat flakes come from bud-certified farms in Switzerland. Adding wheat flakes to your muesli enhances it with a nutty wheat flavor.
Pea protein crispies
The crispies consist of pea protein, wheat and manioc starch.
Pea protein and wheat come from Europe, while manioc starch comes from Thailand, where the growing conditions are optimal. The crispies not only give our Müesli a plant-based protein kick, they also provide a special crunchiness.
Pecan Nuts
The pecan nut looks very similar to the common walnut found in our region, but it tastes sweeter and less bitter. Originally, the nut comes from North America. We source our nuts from South Africa.
Plum Cubes
Plum cubes not only bring a fruity, tart flavor to the muesli but also score points with their high content of dietary fibers and minerals. They come from Turkey.
Pomegranate seeds
We obtain pomegranate seeds from Turkey, where they have been cultivated for centuries. The drying process takes place in Serbia. In our Müesli, they not only provide a pleasant tart taste, but also enhance the appearance of the Müesli. Pomegranate seeds are superfruits: they contain antioxidants protecting our body from ageing and from oxidative stress and contain various minerals in addition.
Probiotic strawberry granulate
For your Bifidus activ muesli, this is probably the most important ingredient: The strawberry granulate contains millions of Bifidus cultures. These contribute to a 'well gut feeling'.
Pumpkin seeds
We source our pumpkin seeds from the Austrian Weinviertel winegrowing region north of Vienna, near the Czech border. Our long-standing partner and supplier, a local family business, consistently ensures top quality with its stringent production standards. We are able to trace the raw material back to the farming family’s field.
Pumpkin seeds have a unique taste and are loaded with nutrients thanks to their high levels of zinc, magnesium, iron and selenium. We like to use them in our Müesli for this reason.
Hardly any other Müesli ingredients is so controversially discussed as raisins. While some people can't get enough of them, others can do without them. The raisins in this Müesli come from Turkey. To prevent them from sticking together, they are sprayed with a little sunflower oil.
Freeze-dried raspberries provide the Müesli with a fruity-tangy flavour. These raspberries come from Eastern Europe and are processed there as well.
Roasted hazelnuts
We source our hazelnuts from Turkey, as Swiss hazelnuts meet just 20% of domestic demand. Specifically, we use high-quality hazelnuts from the ‘Happy Hazelnut project’. This project allows us to ensure fair conditions for those harvesting the hazelnuts. Both working and living conditions of harvest workers in Turkey are improved. Farmers are trained and certified, and harvest workers and their families stay in good-quality accommodation while their children go to school:
Sea salt
Our sea salt, which we only use sparingly, comes from France and Italy.
Soy nuts
The soy for our soy nuts originates mainly from Austria. Our Austrian partner gives great importance to local cultivation - depending on the harvest yields, raw materials can be purchased from other countries according to necessity. Our supplier relies on an environmentally friendly cultivation method that ensures good processability and the best possible quality for our Müesli. In addition, he is strongly committed to biodiversity, to promote organic farming and emphasis on electricity from hydropower and photovoltaics.
Soy-Wheat flakes
The soy-wheat flakes are primarily made from German wheat flour. Sourcing them from neighboring countries ensures availability and quality. The flakes, with their crispy texture, provide a special bite sensation. In addition, they look appetizing.
Spelt flakes
The spelt flakes come from Germany. The roasted flakes provide an extra portion of airy crunch in your Müesli.
Sun-ripened strawberries are daily hand-picked during harvest time in the strawberry fields, over a period of 4 to 5 weeks. The degree of self-sufficiency of strawberries from Switzerland is only about 30% and these are mostly used for fresh consumption. Therefore, the strawberries for our Müesli come from Turkey, Serbia and Poland.
Thanks to the freeze-drying process, the strawberries retain their colour, shape and structure optimally. The smell and taste remain unchanged, in comparison to conventionally dried fruit.
Strawberry granules
The strawberry granules are made using fresh strawberries from Europe and beyond. Strawberries are naturally rich in water, which must be removed by freeze-drying to produce the granules. Accordingly, as much as 340 g of fresh strawberries is used to make 100 g of strawberry granules.
Sunflower oil
Similar to oats, the level of self-sufficiency for sunflower oil in Switzerland is very low, at only about 5–10%. For this reason, we not only source it from Switzerland, but also from other European countries, Africa and South America.
We need sunflower oil to bake our Müesli. Its neutral taste and ideal behaviour at different temperatures makes it the perfect choice, and we only ever use as much of it as necessary.
Sunflower seeds
We obtain our sunflower seeds from Bulgaria, a true center of excellence for this raw material. We work with a supplier who produces highest purity with a modern and large hulling plant. Our Bulgarian partner is committed to sustainable, social and ecological business practices. His sunflower seeds are harvested exclusively in Europe, in the Black Sea region. This ensures short transport distances and a correspondingly low CO2 footprint. Sunflower seeds not only provide a fine taste in our Müesli, they also contain a high proportion of vegetable protein and an essential amount of magnesium and various vitamins.
Vanilla flavouring
The natural vanilla aroma gives our Müesli a slightly exotic flavour. Depending on the extraction method and the origin of the raw materials, the vanilla flavour can have a flowery or even smoky flavour note. Our vanilla flavouring comes from a Swiss aroma manufacturer and has a typical vanilla-bean-taste.
The vanillin complements the inherent flavour of the Müesli with its slightly creamy note. Depending on the extraction method and the origin of the raw materials, the vanilla flavour can have a floral or even smoky taste. The vanillin used in this Müesli comes from Singapore.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 (the sun vitamin) contributes to the absorption and utilization of calcium and to keep a healthy bone mass. Muscle function and the immune system also need a sufficient amount of this vitamin.
We use various minerals and vitamins for our functional Müesli.
We add essential vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin C, biotin, and others to our Müesli providing a functional value.
Wheat flakes
The flakes come from Swiss wheat. Adding wheat flakes enhances your Müesli with a nutty wheat flavour.
Whole wheat-flour
The whole wheat-flour used in our Müesli originates from Swiss wholegrain wheat and rye. The high proportion of husks in whole wheat-flour gives it a stronger taste. The content of vitamins (B1, E), minerals and fibers is much higher compared to light flour.
Wholegrain oat flakes
Rolled oats are an indispensable ingredient for our müesli. Even the wholefood pioneer Dr. Bircher-Benner relied on oat flakes in his original Birchermüesli recipe – and we still stick to it today. With their content of several B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, iron, and other important nutrients, they are a true superfood. They are also rich in fibre.
We support Swiss oat farmers who align their production with the principles of regenerative agriculture and focus on healthy soils: www.agricultura-regeneratio.ch Link opens in a new tab. (in german).
Zinc Gluconate
Zinc is one of the most important minerals in our body, because it contributes to a normal function of the immune system.
For our functional Müesli we use various minerals and vitamins.